Friday, August 21, 2009

Supernatural Season 5 Promo

It's possible, in all the Comic-Con writing frenzy, that I failed to express how fired-up I am about the next season of Supernatural. We didn't get any new footage during the panel at the Con, but just discussing where the story is headed with the creators was enough to throw me into a serious tizzy. Actually, scratch that - learning that Mark Pellegrino was cast to play Lucifer - THAT was tizzy-creating knowledge. I don't believe there is anything that man can't make gold out of. So, without further ranting, raving or swooning, here's a new official season 5 promo. If only Turner would allow it's producers this much creative leeway, we'd be swimming in far more viewers than we are now. Just sayin'!

Pretty aesthetically pleasing, no?

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