Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's Been a Long Time, Mr. Button...

Well, I hardly know what to write. I figure I have forgotten how to blog. If you assume that blogging is like riding a bike, well then...you'd be correct. I can feel it coming back to me, even now...

Let's skip the usual apology, shall we? I'm not sorry that I haven't had the time to blog to you. That just means that I haven't been forced to spend all my days sitting at a computer, inputting data and booking sessions for my gracious producers. And thank heaven for that. I've had more important things going on during this holiday season. I've had Christmas shopping to do with my dad, pumpkin pies to bake and drunken boys to fend off (though in a most loving way). I've had giggles to give, presents to open and cats to adore. I've fought off pitbulls from the bed, a softening heart and too many added holiday pounds. Most importantly, I have had too much Rock Band and Guitar Hero to play, too much Lost season 1 to catch up on and too many pages of my book to get lost in. All these things are infinitely better than my relatively boring desk job, so no people, I am not sorry I haven't had the time to write to you. And just between us, I'm guessing you're not that sorry either. Shhhhh...

I will, in a minor make-it-up-to-you way, give a quick review of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. And when I say "quick", I mean "quick"...

My The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Review:

If you go searching for reviews on this film, you'll find them mightily contradicting. It seems to me that most people either love this film or they hate it. I happen to be the exception. I'm what you would call indifferent towards the film. It didn't leave any lasting impression on me and I didn't walk out of the theater feeling...well...much of anything. And that my friends, will just not do. You know a film has touched you when you walk out of the theater and you almost get run down by a slow moving car because your mind is still roaming and gliding through the film's story. You think on the film long after you've left the dark escapism of your theater seat. It stays with you for awhile and when someone asks you how you liked the movie, your eyes slowly come back into focus and then you can't stop talking about it. That, my good people, is a magnificent, moving film. I didn't feel that as I finally, after 3 hours, walked away from Mr. Brad Button. With a couple complaining boys at my heels, I left the theater and immediately returned to reality. And I just HATE that. Now, that being said, the movie wasn't bad. Not bad at all. In fact, I enjoyed watching it. It was a beautiful and interesting (dare I say...curious...) film and there's nothing like staring at a slowly transforming into hotter and younger Brad Pitt for 3 hours. I even had to fight from weeping a little at the end. It never once got boring and it was a fascinating and original story. Still, as moving as this film could have been, it just didn't quite make it there. It was more of a novelty than real love, so the emotion didn't exactly stick. I would suggest foregoing the $10 movie ticket and just rent the movie when it comes out on DVD.

Your QotD comes from my newest novel, Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. I picked up this book for two reasons. One, because Patrick Rothfuss told me to and he is my second master (Joss Whedon is my first and foremost) and because Brandon Sanderson is finishing the last book in the late Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. I have been reading that series for over ten years and it's final installment is...important to me, to say the least. It's been years since the last book came out and I'm getting a little antsy to finally read the end of this brilliant and complex story. So, of course I wanted to do a little research into the writing style of it's finisher. I am 19 pages into Mistborn and let's just say...I'm already hooked. And that's a difficult thing to come across so soon in a novel. Anyway, here's your QotD, from Mistborn:

"Sometimes, I worry that I'm not the hero everyone thinks I am. The philosophers assure me that this is the time, that the signs have been met. But I still wonder if they have the wrong man. So many people depend on me. They say I will hold the future of the entire world on my arms. What would they think if they knew that their champion - the Hero of Ages, their savior - doubted himself? Perhaps they wouldn't be shocked at all. In a way, this is what worries me the most. Maybe, in their hearts, they wonder - just as I do. When they see me, do they see a liar?"

That's all for this week, folks. I'll get back to you in 2009. Have a great New Years and be safe out there.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday Ramblings

I realized the other day that I've been neglecting Legend of the Seeker, but the truth is, it's a great show. As my friend Rebekah surprisingly noted, "It didn't suck". This is funny because straight syndicated shows like this (like Hercules and Zena) are often joked about because of how cheesy and geekified (yes, I just made that word up, so sue me) they are. Their special effects are often times laughable at best and the dialouge...well...let's not even go there. When I heard that they were creating this new syndicated series from the Terry Goodkind books that I have known and loved for over 10 years I was both excited and terrified. This was a clear path to butchering my beloved novels and I was admittedly worried. As I'm sure I mentioned before, I was pleasantly surprised by how good the show ended up. Decent dialogue, awesome fight scenes and beautiful scenery (they shoot in New Zealand so it has a nice Lord of the Rings feel). And by beautiful scenery, I mean Craig Horner, of course. Anyway, if you haven't seen it, then you definitely should. You can watch all the episodes on Hulu, so go catch up! Also, here's an interview with Craig Horner, for your viewing pleasure:

Moving on...

I must thank Michael Ausiello for his daily dose of tv awesomeness. Everyone should already know how I'm feeling about Smallville this season, but seriously, this video gave me chills. Good chills and bad chills. The bad chills come from seeing WAY too many clips of Lana. Seriously, does that girl EVER die? Why do they have to make her the reason Clark becomes Superman? Shouldn't that be Lois' job? Anyway, check out the video below and get some super chills of your own.

That's all for today, peeps. Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Video of the Day

Howdy folks. *Side note: I am really not THAT country. I just like the word "howdy". It's very friendly....

Anyhow, I know Twilight Fever is slowly fading a bit and tween girl screams can only be heard from 100 miles away instead of 100,000 miles away but I just had to post this interview with Robert. There are about 100 million of these videos floating around online, but this one is special because he actually references...Buffy!!! And even funnier, his answer is actually wrong in the context of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer film. See below and see if you can figure it out. If your a Buffy fan, it'll be super easy to pick out the mistake.

Also, the Cinnamon Toast Crunch choice is just as cute as it can be.

Thanks to HGE for the video.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Heroes 12/15

"On the sixth day, God created man in his own image. Now it's up to us to figure it all out; right, wrong, good, evil. In each of us is the capacity to decide what drives our actions. So what is it that makes some choose selflessness; the need to devote oneself to something greater, while others know only self-interest; isolating themselves in a world of their own making. Some seek love, even if unrequited, while others are driven by fear and betrayal. There are those who see their choices as dark proof of God's absence, while others follow a path of noble destiny. But in the end, good, evil, right or wrong, what we choose is never what we really need. For that is the ultimate cosmic joke, the real gift that God has left behind."

I love it when someone besides Suresh narrates an episode. It really gives you a good feeling of change (which is a very good thing for this show) and it also spices things up a bit. Make Sylar the narrator for the first part and you've got thriller gold. I enjoyed how bitter and resentful him seems towards God because it seems so like his character. Sylar's thoughts on God aren't exactly something you'd immediately wonder about but it's a very interesting character development. Just as he constantly seems to wonder and worry about what other people think of him, he must also wonder what God sees in him. I believe Sylar is one of the few deeply complex characters on television today (Gregory House also comes to mind). His constant flux between being a whole-hearted monster, being a reluctant monster, fighting to be freely evil and fighting to be freely good has been one of the most entertaining and interesting character transformations I have ever watched.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

After this episode, the conclusion episode to the "Villains" chapter, some might now worry that Sylar is dead, blown to little pieces by Clarie's accidental nuclear mother (who now is most certainly dead herself). I would be VERY surprised if this were the case, especially since I've already heard about future Sylar plot-lines involving his new mission: finding his real parents. So, most likely his recently Claire-Bear-acquired immortality will have kept him alive through the motherly blaze and resulting building collapse. Though I have heard that the Heroes writing team is going to start cleaning houses, aka; killing off there two-tons of characters, I do not believe Sylar will be one of them. He is too great a character and holds way too much potential for chaos and villainy. So fear not, my faithful Sylar-lovers. Our man should still be around next chapter to cause trouble and strife (and hopefully for that backstabbing, hypocrite Nathan Petrelli).

Oh Nathan. What can I say? Should I refer to Suresh's narrated monologue on how everyone contains both good and evil within themselves? Or should I quote you? "You're breaking my heart". Yeah, ok, I get it. Everyone has the potential to be good or to be evil and Nathan Petrelli has always leaned more towards the dark-side so it shouldn't come as a shock that he's chosen this particular path. One might even argue that it's not a villainous path but a heroic one. He wants to save the world, to help it. He thinks he's doing the right thing and that is by far the most heartbreaking part. But even if you could give Nathan some slack for at least having his heart in the right place, that would never excuse his intentions and actions towards his brother. That's the deal-breaker, at least in my opinion. Nathan is so zealous and determined to save the world that he is becoming evil in the process. It is NOT ok to try to kill your brother just because he doesn't agree with your choices! Bad Nathan! And that goes for you too, Peter. Except, Peter saved Nathan, despite the fact that Nathan was on a roll and only too eager to beat his own brother to death. That's the line. Right there. That's the moment where Nathan's gray becomes black and Peter's gray becomes white. It's a sore loss to the side of good to lose Nathan Petrelli. They will just have to make due with Peter. Let's just hope his dark and scar-filled future has now been pushed in a different direction. Cause Future Peter? Scary.

So I know you must be sick of hearing me rambling on about how much I heart Sylar, but seriously...this guy is awesomely diabolical. Right?! Seriously, who thinks up this stuff? Pumping Clarie's mother with adrenaline so she looses control over her fire ability? Locking HRG in the cell with her? Giving Claire a choice between saving her dad from a fiery fate or protecting Angela Petrelli? Is that even a choice? Seriously, who even likes Angela? Sylar knew who Claire would pick. Too bad he fell prey to a villain's most cliche mistake: too much talking and not enough killing. Instead of getting his kill and not to mention getting his parental info from Angela, he got a nice thick shard-o-glass to the brain-pan, courtesy of a mightily ticked off former cheerleader. My younger sister always said to never underestimate cheerleaders and now I think I know why. As much as I love Sylar, even I have to admit that it's about time he got a taste of his own bad-tasting medicine. As another side note about Sylar's character, it's very interesting how much he craves to know that he is not the only monster among all the characters. It seems that he still has some reservations about being evil (though he also seems to have come to terms with his monstrous destiny), seeing his obvious need create villains out of heroes. Maybe this would make him feel vindicated in his actions and also less alone in the world. Oh wait...if he hadn't killed Elle, maybe he wouldn't be so alone now. She was the perfect evil jelly to his evil-y crunchy peanut butter. Perhaps he enjoys being alone after all...

What else can we discuss? Daphne seems to have embraced the good side, which is a relief. I find it curious how the show tries to steer clear of any serious PDA scenes between the new couple. Maybe that's because she looks about 12 and he looks..well...his age. There is a small amount of creep factor in that whole relationship, but I'm working to get past it. Also, whippie for finding out about Ando's future (and now new) power. Still, Hiro's going to be even more on his guard around him now and that never makes for a fun friendship.

What's the future like now that the formula has been destroyed? How much has changed and how much has stayed the same? Will Sylar still have a cutesy baby boy that he will love and protect? If so, who's the mom? Will Peter still eventually turn Scarface and be tracked down by dark-Claire? Will Claire still make the huge mistake of coloring her hair black? The only things that I can think of that make me believe that the future has been changed is Suresh and Tracy. In the future Peter and Matt saw, Suresh was all scaly and gross and not fit for public outings, but now he's cured. Will he seek out Maya or stick with Ice Queen Tracy? And now that Tracy has been fired by Nathan, does that mean she will no longer be Future First Lady to President Nathan? It seems that at least some of the future has been changed. But is it changed for the better? The Butterfly Effect is in full swing so what can we expect from the future now? Something even worse than before...or a brighter horizon?

"There is good and there is evil, right and wrong, heroes and villains and if we're blessed with wisdom, then there are glimpses between the cracks of each, where light streams through. We wait in silence for these times, when sense can be made, when meaningless existence comes into focus and our purpose presents itself. And if we have the strength to be honest, and what we find there, staring back at us is our own reflection, baring witness to the duality of life. And each one of us is capable of both the dark and the light, of good and evil, of either, of all and destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be re-routed by the choices we make, by the love we hold onto, the promises we keep."

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday Ramblings

Sorry for my recent absence, friendly bloggers and/or readers of blogs. Trust me, you haven't been missing much anyway. My weekend pretty much consisted of me, my couch, and hours upon hours of Pride and Prejudice. No, I'm not talking about the fairly new and beyond awesome film starring Keira Knightley. I'm talking about the fairly old and beyond awesome 1995 BBC mini-series starring the dreamy-eyed Colin Firth . That's right folks. I'm talking 6 hours of Colin Firth practicing intense, lovelorn staring, high verses low society haggling, eloquent speeches, repressed sexual tension and the worst attire imaginable. I'm talking absolute heaven, folks.

You know what it is, right boys? The thing we gals love about Mr. Darcy? Well, there are a thousand things really...but it's the stare. It's the looks he gives her. The way he looks at her as he slowly realizes his feelings. Slowly, because let's face it, you guys are plain stupid. Jane Austen knew it then and we know it now. Gorgeous, intense, can't-live-without, stupid. Just thought you should know.

In that same vein, the gorgeous, intense, can't-live-without, stupid vein, I saw Australia this weekend. I know this film hasn't gotten the absolute best reviews and I think that has a lot to do with too high expectations and too much hype. Despite the reviews, I was determined to see the film. At the very least, because of the scenery...and by scenery I mean Hugh Jackman (though the cinematography and real scenery were brilliantly beautiful). It was far from a poor decision, I'll tell you that. I really enjoyed this film. I'm not going to do a full-out review since I don't know enough about the production, crew and back-story on this film but I will touch on a couple things.

As I said above, the cinematography was beautiful, but you pretty much walk into the theater knowing that, if just from watching the trailers. Plus, you can expect no less from Baz Luhrmann. Moulin Rouge! is one of my all time favorite films and don't even get me started on Romeo + Juliet and even Strickly Ballroom. If you haven't seen any of these films, leave work or your bed or wherever you are right now and go rent them and a magnificent movie day. They are all worth it, I give my amateur film critic word. Anyhow, I expected an equally brilliant film when I spent $10 on my Australia ticket and though it wasn't up to Baz's usual par, it was still a great film. As other reviews stated, it does lag a bit in the middle but if you can be entertained by a beautiful, rugged (or soft and refined) face (like I can), then it's all gravy. Seriously though, Hugh Jackman is a MAIN point here. If you love him now, your heart will explode as you watch him in this film. Seriously...Brett and I DIED while we watched this film. Our hearts just...exploded. We couldn't live one more day knowing something as perfect as Hugh Jackman is walking around in this world and we can't be staring at him 24 hours a day...on horseback, shirtless, sweaty. You know what? It hurts my heart just to think of it. So we'll move on. Needless to say...girls: go see this film for the Hugh Jackman and the love story...boys: go see this film for the John Wayne-like and Saving Private Ryan-like adventure...or for Nicole Kidman...if you're into that ice queen thing.

For some other entertainment news, Chris Weitz is officially the director for New Moon. I think I'm ok with this. A new director might help the franchise and it certainly worked for Harry Potter. Plus, I'm a semi-fan of Weitz's. I've enjoyed all his previous works and he seems pretty into the books and getting the fans what they want. Sounds like a good recipe for success to me. Still, I won't be getting my hopes up like I did with Twilight. Hoping just sets you up for disappointment. And...that's my depressing wisdom for today. I hope you profit in some way by it and aren't curled up in the fetal position because of how utterly depressing that statement was. Moving on...

Alright, that's all the entertainment gossip for today, kiddies. I hope everyone is getting along well with their holiday shopping and present wrapping. Posts will be on the fritz next week since I won't be in the front of the computer 9 hours of everyday, but I will still do my best to keep ya'll entertained as much as possible. Cause I'm so entertaining right?..... Right?
Yeah, right.

And for your QotD:

Sarah Ashley: Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be.
- Australia

Edit: On another Hugh Jackman note, check out the new trailer for Wolverine. This movie could totally rock...or it could totally suck. But honestly, does it really matter with that handsome mug helming the effort? I think not. Enjoy the rippling biceps of Mr. Jackman, Gambit's killer deck (and looks), and Liev's hot feline teeth below.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Song of the Day

Your SotD is also your VotD, considering that I first heard this song on the new Lost promo for the coming season. This is a really cool video and it makes me want to re-watch all the Lost seasons, despite the fact that I will be 8o years old by the time I finished. So, anyone want to join me in a Lost marathon??? Takers? Anyone...? Ok, well, you holler if you change your mind. Until then check out this video and enjoy the new Fray single, You Found Me. The Fray is just like Fall Out Boy, they never get old and their songs continue to impress.

And what can I say about this video? I can barely remember last season so I can't decide if these shots are from the new season or from last season...Either way, I'm psyched. Bring it on! Bring on the Sawyer and Jack hotness. Bring on the flash forwards, flashbacks, the constant testosterone tension, the constant sexual tension, the dead/non-dead characters, the crazy beards, the incomprehensible non-linear story lines. Bring it all on. We got this.

You Found Me
By: The Fray

I found God on the corner of First in Amistad
where the west was all but one.
All alone,
smoking his last cigarette,
I said "where you been?"
He said, "ask anything."

Where were you
when everything was falling apart?
All my days,
spent by the telephone.
that never rang.
All i needed was a call
that never came.
The corner of First and Amistad...

Lost and insecure,
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor,
surrounded, surrounded.
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you? Where were you?
just a little late...
You found me, you found me

In the end,
everyone ends up alone.
Losing her,
the only one who's ever known
who i am, who im not, and who i wanna be.
no way to know
how long she will be next to me...

Lost and insecure,
You found me, you found me.
Lying on the floor,
surrounded, surrounded.
why'd you have to wait?
Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late,
You found me, you found me.

Early morning,
city breaks.
I've been calling
for years and years and years and years.
and you never left me no messages;
never sent me no letters;
you've got some kind of nerve
taking all of our world.

Lost and insecure,
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor,
Where were you? Where were you?

Lost and insecure,
You found me, you found me.
lying on the floor,
surrounded, surrounded.
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late,
you found me, you found me.

Why'd you have to wait,
To find me?
To find me?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Moon Update

Folks, this is what you call a "clusterf**k". It was bad enough that Summit rehired the screenwriter, Melissa Rosenberg, whose screenplay, in my opinion, was the core of all Twilight's major problems but now Catherine Hardwicke has walked away (or been asked to walk away) from directing the sequel. If that situation isn't bad enough to spell disaster, Summit is still searching for a new director, which is cutting into pre-production time, AND they have confirmed at $50 million budget for a film that needs at least double that. We're talking about location shooting, major stunts and believable (or at least pretty) werewolves. $50 mil ain't gonna cut it, Summit. To add to all that badness, Summit is also considering re-casting Jacob Black. I know Taylor Lautner is a little small and cutesey for New Moon and Eclipse Jacob, but that's the brilliance of make-up, gym time and special effects. Taylor played a GREAT Jacob and I will ninja apart anyone who says otherwise.

So, in conclusion...we seem to be pretty much screwed. If this film turns out even half as good as Twilight (and that's saying a lot since Twilight wasn't that good) then I'll be pleasantly surprised. Thanks for HGE for the story.

Follow this to EW's story.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Heroes 12/8

It's that time of the week again. Yup, you guessed it: Heroes discussion time. But since my Heroes blogger buddy (coughcorriecough) is so very behind on the episodes (work has been crazy, so it's totally understandable) I have less reason to spend a lot of time discussing the Heroes happenings. So I'll make this week's ramblings short and sweet...and with lots of pictures cause you know how much I just love pictures.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

What we know, via last night's episode:

1) Hiro and Claire together make for some seriously funny entertainment. It's funny to think that most of the characters in this show have met, fought, loved, flown together at some point in time but that Hiro and Claire have never actually met before. I feel like they must be the only two main characters introduced to us that haven't had some kind of interaction in previous episodes. Anyway, we have been seriously deprived because they are very interesting together.

2) We now know about Hiro's mother. Or maybe we already knew...and I just forgot. This show can get kinda complicated, if you haven't already noticed. Either way, Hiro's mother is a healer, which explains why Hiro needed to go back in time; he needed his mother to fix his memory. Funny, how his mother ended up with the same ability that Linderman had and how Linderman healed Angela Petrelli's memories, giving her the ability and reason to kill her husband before he killed her son, Nathan. Ok, are you picking up on the complicated yet? Anyway, I find it sad and also predictable that Hiro promised his mom with such heartbreaking determination that he would keep the catalyst safe and then mere minutes later he lets Arther Petrelli take not only the catalyst, but his powers also (leaving him stranded 16 years in the past). His papa is gonna be SOOOOOO angry with him and that's an understatement.

As an added hysterical note, why is that none of the these time-traveling characters (Peter, Hiro, etc) have learned that tampering with the past ONLY causes more problems and never solves anything?!!?!?!! It's almost as if they have to give up all their common sense in order to have these extraordinary abilities. Is it really worth the cost? Jeez.

3) By far the worst confirmed revelation, Sylar did kill Elle dead, very dead and all dead. Not only that, but he sat there and BURNED her body!! Poor Kristen Bell. I will forever mourn the potentially ass-kicking relationship we could have watched unfold over numerous seasons. So, does this mean that the future Peter saw, the future with Sylar and his son Noah, is no more? Or does Sylar again use his strangely attractive psycho-killer appeal to seduce some other poor gal into bed? Claire perhaps? Yes, I know it's an insane theory, but come on, who wouldda thought Sylar and Elle would have happened, especially after Sylar killed her father. It seems that anything is possible in our Heroes world and I'm betting my less than considerable pile o' cash on a future Sylar/Claire baby-making scene. I mean, why else would the boy be named Noah? So put that in your pipe and smoke it!

4) Creepy killer Sylar makes me laugh. Best line/scene thus far in Heroes (and your QotD):

Co-workers burst into office with presents.
"Happy BIRTHDAY!", they all merrily shout.
Sylar gets up off the floor, murdered girl at his feet, blood and brain matter dripping off his hands, looking very creepy...
Sylar: Cake?
Sylar gives an excited smile.

Best scene EVER!

5) Nathan Petrelli is officially on-board with his father's evil plan. And that SUCKS! But I guess it causes more drama to have one brother on one side the other on the opposite side. Seriously though, if they have to have a showdown (which I'm sure they will) I'm gonna be pissed if either die.

6) It's interesting seeing Matt, Daphne and Ando working together, but I miss the comic book guys. It's so sad to experience great characters and then have them leave so soon. Either way, I guess their mission to find the unpublished last comic will lead Ando to getting the power that he might eventually kill Hiro with (seen in an earlier episode). I love when future events start to get explained in present situations. It helps with the tearing-out-your-hair frustrating and confusing storylines.

7) HRG can be trusting of a stranger. Who knew? Is it just because the stranger seems oddly familiar to him? Is it because of her use of "Claire-Bear" that softens his heart just a smidge, enough for him to ignore a very important and life-changing phone call? Whatever it is about the cute blonde stranger, I'm loving the new dynamic between them. I'll have some more, please.

8) So, with Arthur Petrelli sucking up the catalyst, the formula is now complete. And introducing...drum roll please...the All American Super Solider. He can break you in half with his pinky, but ain't he just the cutest thing?

9) And...thank you Sylar! Not only are you eerily sexy, but you can certainly come in handy when there's killing that needs to be done. Now Peter can have a semi-clear conscious and we still get the kill we have been rooting for all season: Arthur Petrelli. Shot in the head and dead dead dead. Though as Peter speaks over his dead father: "It's over"...you get the feeling it is so very far from over.

That's all for today folks. In my opinion, this show is steadily getting better and if Brian Fuller, fresh from the cancelled Pushing Daisies, comes back it's bound to get even better.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Friday the 13th

Ok, if you know me, you know I'm not a super-duper horror film fan. I usually have to be dragged to the theater when the outing involves Freddy, Jason, Aliens or Predators, killer vines, killer unborn babies or strangely creepy hotel rooms. There are a few exceptions (come on, Scream is a classic and even I can admit to loving that movie) but mainly the horror genre and I don't get along. So I am sure you are asking yourself why I am doing a post on the soon-to-be-released remake of Friday the 13th. The answer is simple and predictable to this blog: Jared Padalecki.

JoBlo has been covering this film pretty closely so I've read a lot about it but the only thing that really drew my eye was Jared's involvement. Cause, you know...it's Jared. Anyhow, Yahoo! just recently put up a new trailer and lo and behold, and as long as you don't blink, there's another fine male involved in this lovely blood and guts film: Ryan Hansen, of Veronica Mars fame! I was curious about what he's been up to and apparently he's been busy being killed in some gruesome way by the masked man! Oh, horrors! Cause, I mean, he's probably the first to go, right? He's in the trailer for like...one second. Still, it's just another reason to allow myself to maybe be dragged (by the hair) to see this film.

Check out the new trailer here.

And check out Joblo's interview with Jared here. It's a really good one.

And boys, don't say I never gave ya nothin'.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My 3rd Semi-Political Post

So it's a great day for you, readers! Not only am I going to give you a Video of the Day, but you also get a Song of the Day! Thrilling, righhhht? I know you are just trembling in your seat with suppressed excitement. Please try to contain yourselves.

So in another feeble attempt to blog about something other than entertainment (feeble because my political posts always contain famous actors preaching to you about something or another) and with the encouragement of Whedonesque, I found this hilarious video on Funny or Die. I am completely pro gay marriage so I loved this video. Plus, I am very much pro-NPH also. We live in a new, shiny time people. We have grown as a society from a time of civil rights movements to a time where we have elected an African-American as our president. That's what you call progress. Let's not stain our advancement by denying a good percentage of our society the right to love and marry whoever they want, regardless of their sex. And that's all I have to say about that. Check out your awesome VotD below!

Note: If the video doesn't work for you, try this link:


See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Your SotD comes from my very own iPod shuffle this morning. I just happen to have four Cake CDs rolling around in my iTunes library and I can't imagaine why (coughlucascough). Anyway, while driving to work this morning, my iPod chose this Cake song while in its shuffle mode and I could have swore I never heard it once before. Either way, I liked it a lot so I thought I would share it with you. Hope you like!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Where Would I Be
By: Cake

I've been waiting for so long
I've been hoping your love's not gone
Houses are sliding in the mud
Rivers are raging in your blood

Where would I be without your love?
Where would I be without your arms around me?

You were to be the only one
If I knew you I would not run
You have been cloudy, distant, dark
I'm thinking of Noah and the ark

Where would I be without your love?
Where would I be without your arms around me

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Heroes 12/1

All right! Shall we get down to biznas (that's "business" for you non-cool people). Let's jump right in!

I know there are a lot of people that have become disenchanted with this show. I understand, really I do. Last season was really crappy compared to first season and though this season has been infinitely better than last season, it's still not up to par with the first season. It's almost as if the writers used up all their awesomeness on first season scripts and now they have run out of fuel. Seriously, they should have classes for TV writers on how to ration awesomeness. Still, when I commit to a show with this much potential it takes a lot more than a few shallow, unneeded characters, a little loss of story integrity, and some far-fetched (and that's saying a lot for a show like Heroes, right?) plot-twists to throw me off the bandwagon. Despite all its flaws and without fail, every Monday night has me on the edge of my couch, biting my nails and screaming curses and shocked exclamations at the television set. Once the 9 o'clock hour rolls around I'm instantly immersed in a thrilling, frustrating, sexy and intense story and judge all you want but you can't deny the pull of this show, even at it's worst moments. I feel like the show has been getting steadily better throughout this season, with the last two episodes being two of the best I've seen thus far...but I'm obviously a bit biased, no? I suppose you can't really take my word for it, but you could...if you were super smart. Anyhow, let's talk about last night's high points!

So, I would characterize myself as a man lover, wouldn't you? You certainly would if you've read any of my Smallville or Supernatural posts. I enjoy staring and drooling over a nice manly face and body as much as the next fine lady, but let's all agree...Kristen Bell has some nice stems, yes? I can see why she is so appealing to Sylar...and all the men of our world too, obviously. She ran around with naught on her petite frame but a big t-shirt the whole episode and I can't say I didn't appreciate the view. However, the jealous part of me couldn't help but feel slightly vindicated when taking in her bloody condition. Ha! That's what you get for having such nice legs! You get shot. That's right, sister! Not to mention, you hang with Sylar and you're bound to get either mostly or completely dead (we'll come back to that) sooner or later.

Anyhow, the development of the Sylar/Elle romance just tickles me and I love every scene with them. Kristen Bell's and Zachary Quinto's real life friendship really translates to the screen and you can't help but feel their chemistry. As I said in a previous post, the two actors are gold together, therefore the characters are gold together. And that's how you find me comatose as the 10 o'clock hour approached on Monday night. The whole coma thing didn't last but a minute and as Hiro teleports Claire to the past (more on that later) I barely noticed since I am now screaming something along the lines of "WHAT THE F**K?". Seriously, that did not just happen! Sylar did not just revert back to creepy, evil Sylar and finger-flick a bloody line across Elle's forehead! Wasn't it only a couple scenes ago that Sylar sacrificed himself to HRG so that Elle could get away? He got his throat slit for Heaven's sake! Honestly, what happened in the 5-10 minutes between besieging the Bennet's and Hiro transporting him to some beach getaway that he suddenly felt the need to chop people's tops off again? Was it the fear of being betrayed by Elle and his maybe/maybe not Petrelli parental units? That's honestly the only explanation that I can think of and I suppose it's something to be concerned about, but not a good enough reason to kill your new, nice-legged psychotic lover (and potential baby momma! There goes that theory, right down the drain!). Still, I'm holding on to hope that its all a big farce and Elle's not really dead. We didn't really see her die and it's rare indeed when anyone permanently dies on this show so I think it's a rational hope. But I can't help but feel betrayed by the Heroes writing team. The tantalizing taste of good-Sylar was like a drug you just can't take away from us! What a tease! How horrible of you to offer us Sylar's redemption and then snatch it away in a moment of lunacy! I'm shocked, really! Anyway, moving on...

How much did you love Sam and Frack, the comic book guys? I, of course, have loved Seth Green since his Buffy days so it's always a pleasure to see him on TV but this was one of his cooler characters, by far. I for one would love to see more of them, not just because I love the actors but because introducing their characters to help Hiro solve his problem by reading comics is the epitome of Nerd Central, one of my many dwelling places. That storyline may seem ridiculous to some but I thought it was brilliant. I'll have some more please, massster.

There is tons more to talk about but I think I used up all my writing energy on Sylar and Elle. I guess I should attend that course on rationing awesomeness too, huh? Let's hit a couple more points and then call it day. Sound good?

Point 1: It's a bird! It's a plane! No...wait. Oh, never mind. It's just Nathan Petrelli flying away from his goodhearted and loving brother and into the arms of his evil, immoral father and should-be-killed-off-soon lover, Tracy (Ali Larter). I mean, would it really have been that hard for Peter to again stress that he's been to the future, he's seen what Nathan becomes and it's just a BAD idea to continue down that path? And SERIOUSLY, has Nathan not learned his lesson yet? Stop flying your sexy self to the bad-side and stick with Peter! He knows his shit! Jeez!

Point 2: I heart Matt Parkman, I really do but I'm getting a little tired of the whole Daphne thing. I am not feeling one ounce of sympathy for her character which tells me I don't really care about this storyline anymore. She's whiny and untrustworthy and I think Matt could do a lot better.

Point 3: I'm totally digging the Hiro/Claire time-travel development. It seems like a pretty good idea to me and it might lead to some mending of the Clarie/HRG relationship. Not that I believe he deserves forgiveness for being a bad father but his intentions are always good and it would be nice to feel like we can trust him again now that Sylar has gone all sexy devil again. I can't believe that they are really trying to set up another role reversal so soon after changing things around on us at the beginning of the season. It's a Topsy-turvy world, I tell ya!

And that's about it, folks. Comments, questions, rude accusations? That's what the comments section is for. Have at it!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Video of the Day

I know. No, I really do. It's Tuesday, right? The day after Monday. The morning following Heroes night. There should be shock, screaming, shaking fists at the sky, righteous opinions and above all, Seth Green homage. But there's none of that. At least not today. But there will be tomorrow. I've decided to wait another day to discuss this week's Heroes until everyone has had a chance to catch up, in case they missed it last night (coughcorriecough).

So, until tomorrow you will just have to quench your television thirst with another Supernatural video. Why, you ask? What's your deal with Supernatural, you wonder? Why do we have to watch another Supernatural video? Because, it's my blog and I said so. Also, because it's my birthday week and I can therefore do anything I want. I could even break the law, if I felt so inclined. But I'm a good little girl, so I would never do anything that exciting. I just live vicariously through the demon-killing Winchester brothers...or didn't you know that already? Anyway, check out Winchester and Sons, Demon Hunters below, for your VotD. Did I mention you get some J.D.M. face time too? Talk about like hot father, like totally hot sons.

Also, follow this link to an interview with Catherine Hardwicke about her thoughts on the New Moon film. Let's just hope the studio settles on a bigger budget for this film and also that Melissa Rosenberg, the screenplay writer for Twilight and now New Moon, learns from her mistakes on Twilight and makes the necessary improvements for New Moon. Otherwise we may end up with another slow, choppy and poorly developed screenplay. I hate to be blunt, but it's true and if we want a better second film, there are some MAJOR changes that need to happen to the script.

Tune in tomorrow for my weekly Heroes discussion. There's so much to talk about, I might just have a heart attack before I get to it!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday Ramblings

Hello all my fabulous readers. Now that the turkey holiday is past we should be back to our regularly scheduled blogging. I hope everyone had a great holiday at home with friends and family and most importantly, away from the work place. I also hope everyone enjoyed plenty of good, down home cooking, which hopefully caused you to happily gain ten pounds, mostly because I don't want to be the only one bringing that extra baggage back to work with me. In addition, I must proudly note that I baked two totally delicious pumpkin pies and have now learned the joys of cooking and so will cook non-stop for the rest of my life...Ok, not really. I'm still way to lazy for all that cookin' work, but I did enjoy baking and also eating the yummy pies.

Special shout-out to Elliott, who always makes dull Perry exciting, funny and totally worth the trip (plus, Rock Band...most awesome game in the world). This includes Charles, who is always too happy to crash on the couch with the cat and is nice enough to lie to me about how he felt about a certain film (no one else decided to spare my feelings that way). Also, shout-out to Lucas (even though these boys knowing they are taking up part of the same paragraph will drive them to blood-red rage), who sent me a most spectacular mobile video of his brother Chris showing off his special guitar talents. It made me happy and sad at the same time. It was totally awesome, but that's the Glover-Bickhart boys for ya.

Moving on to TV Land, E!'s Kristen has a hilarious Grey's sneak peek video up and it reminded me that I hadn't yet voiced my opinion on the interesting and bold Izzie/Dead Denny situation. My opinion is classy and simple: It's frakkin' awesome, no matter what you people say! Any plot line that requires Jeffery Dean Morgan on screen (and shirtless, yum!) is a positively brilliant plot twist, no matter how "out of the box" it seems to people with little to no imagination. I'm sure there is a good reason why Izzie is sleeping with her dead finance, but really, do you NEED a reason to stare at J.D.M. for a whole hour? No. I don't think so. Just go with it people. No one cares if you drool over his adorably cute dimples or swoon over his sexy smile. Be you male or female, you can't deny the appeal of J.D.M.

That's all for now folks! Don't forget to watch Heroes tonight for the last chapter of "Villains"! Also, don't forget to mourn for Pushing Daisies, since it's confirmed that it's been cancelled. There goes another eccentric, funny, thrilling and over-all DECENT show. Guess we just have too many of those kind of shows on television, so we must rid ourselves of them and bring in more reality trash. Oh, what's the world coming to?!?!!?!


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