Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Oh D*Con, you've stolen my heart. Or maybe that was Nathan Fillion who did the stealing, with his disarming and charming smile, his deep blue eyes and his teasing wink (forgetting the fact that the only two words I could mumble past my pleasantly numb lips were "Thanks Nathan" when I went to get an autograph). Either way, my heart is no longer mine. I will kick myself daily for thinking that a Con couldn't possible merit such effort, with all the crowds and the lines and the money spent...Oh but it does merit it. It most certainly does. Even stumbling along by myself for the majority of the day, my eyes never once looking down and therefore the stumbling, it was beyond anything my imagination could cook up. It was better; it was amazing. I've never seen so many colors, so my people dressed up to the geeky nines. My little nerd heart went pitter patter all day long and I'm pretty certain that a stupid smile was stuck onto my face for the whole long day, even as I was standing in a mile long line for the Firefly panel, sweating my butt off in the heat. The panel was also worth the effort, a million times over. It's rare indeed for me to enjoy myself as much as I did sitting in that panel, listening to the cast of Firefly ramble on about their collective TV experiences while Nathan Fillion played with his iPhone's sound effects, to the delight of the audience. Everything they had to say had my undivided attention and more often than not, my amused smile and laugh also. My one day at Dragon*Con included many firsts but now I am certain that those experiences will not also be my lasts. I will definitely be there next year, there's no question about it. I want to thank Adam for his pass. I don't think we will ever be even again, but I will certainly try everyday to show you how much I appreciate the experience.

And below, Nathan Fillion and some other celebs I was lucky enough to ogle at during the Con. Also, your QotD, a personal quote from Nathan Fillion, because it was really he who stole my heart this weekend.

"I also have a cat. I’m not a cat-person, but she came with the house that I’m renting. I was told she was 18 when I moved in, so I thought, ‘How long can she possibly last?’ And that was 6 years ago – and I don’t know how many hundreds of dollars worth of bump removals, teeth removals, cleanings and vet fees I have been through since then. But of course I love her and she is worth it." - Nathan Fillion

1 comment:

Eric said...

Lauren you should have called me! I would have loved to have checked out Dragoncon this year, it would have been a first for me too. Next time huh? Also, we need to have a little chat about your trip to Two the other night. We'll be in touch.


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